星期二, 21 1 月, 2025

J.R.Adam:Bible Christian Mission at Chao-tong(昭通的經徒會)

Bible 基督徒 Mission at Chao-tong

One day,when speaking to some of the pilgrims from the more distant places,I asked them if they knew Chao-tong,and how far distant it was from their homes.They replied;“Two or three days’journey.”Thereupon I told them of the existence of a Mission Station in that city,and urged them to go and see Mr.Pollard,the missionary in charge .I told them that he would welcome them most heartily,that he loved them quite as much as we did,and would be most willing to teach them.Subsequently two or three of them went to Chao-tong to see for themselves if what I said was true.Mr.Pollard welcome them with open arms and heart.They returned to their homes and spoke to their friends of the welcome they had had,and shortly afterwards their kinsmen in the district flocked in crowds to Chao-tong until Mr.Pollard was well-nigh overwhelmed by them.

A piece of land,twenty-three miles from Chao-tong,was given to Mr.Pollard by the chieftain,and on this site,with the help of the tribesmen,he built a chapel and school-house.The work has been greatly blessed,over 1000 converts having been baptized.The Bible 基督徒 Mission is putting a great deal of energy and strength into this tribal work.

China’s Missions,


By J.R.Adam.




距昭通二十三英里的一塊土地,被這兒的首領贈給了波拉德先生,並在這塊土地上,在阿卯的幫助下,他建起了一座教堂和校舍。這個事工受到極大的祝福,超過 1000 名皈依者已受洗。經徒會正在為這項屬阿卯的事工中投入大量精力和人力。

來源:China’s Missiond.1907年1月:13~14頁。





photo by Dr.W.T.Clarke

A Group of TA-HWA-MIAO,(Great Flowery Tribe)

This is the Tribe amongst whom the great Revival Movement has broken out,The members of this group are all communicants.

——China’s Missions.February,1907

柏苗 顽石与窄门
柏苗 顽石与窄门
