今天我去图书馆借了本Sandra Boynton的《Silly Lullaby》(可以翻译为“犯傻摇篮曲”)给娃读,结果把我家老大逗得咯咯笑之余,还听了此曲不下20遍。因此,我决定把这首可爱的摇篮曲分享给大家。点击下面的音频即可播放。 歌词是这样的: Go to sleep, my zoodle,my fibblety-fitsy foo.Go to sleep, sweet noodle.It’s time to say, “Ah-choo.” The chickens in the bathtub.The closet full of sheep.The sneakers in the freezerare all drifting off to sleep. Go to sleep, my zoodle,my fibblety-fitsy foo.Go to sleep, sweet noodle.The owl is whispering, “Moo.”