星期一, 17 3 月, 2025









圣诞节给亲爱的孙女Anne deBoyne Pollard








你的祖父撒母耳·柏格理去世之后,我带着你爸爸回到英国。临走前,我给女儿Wang Hsin Tsi留下一些钱,让她继续在石门坎学校读书。回到英国把家安顿好之后,我就写信了解我这位苗族养女的情况。可惜的是,一直没有收到回音,或许这些信从未送达过,因为当时正值第一次世界大战期间。即使到今天,1946年,中国的银行、铁路和邮政服务也不如印度便捷。




再后来,我听到消息说她的儿子正在学医,名字很可能叫Chang Ren。我专门做了一个刻有他名字的牌子,交给德文郡托基教会学校,提醒大家为他祷告。大家有没有坚持为祷告我不清楚,但今年五月份我收到了准确的消息。有两位循道公会的干事去中国探访,其中一位Porter姊妹去了中国西南。她寄给我一封航空快寄,内中写道:






Wang Hsin Tsi,现在是Chang太太,石门坎一位传道人的妻子,她给了你一份非常特殊充满亲情和爱的礼物——交给我的时候她的眼泪止不住地流。她说你是她的母亲。我随信附上我为她拍的一张照片,她和她的两个小女儿。她的长女在昭通的小学里当老师。她的儿子是昭通医院的医生。



亲爱的Anne,Porter小姐找到了我和你祖父当年领养的女儿。被送去学医的Chang Ren并不只是我养女的儿子,她也是你爸爸干姐姐的儿子。你爸爸干姐的女儿、你的苗族姐姐后来嫁给当地一个很能干的传道人张志诚(Chang Chi Cheng)牧师。他们的儿子Mr. Chang医生目前在昭通教会医院工作,并计划在积累足够的临床经验后,回到石门坎苗族中工作。MR. Chang有三个姐妹,中间的那个女儿,我期望她长大后当一个优秀的护士。我给石门坎寄去一封航空快寄,把我的愿望告诉他们,并承诺给予她经济上的支持她。


Anne, 听起来像是一个神话故事。可不是吗?









A Christmas letter to my granddaughter Anne deBoyne Pollard


Once upon a time when the Pollard family lived amongst the  tribes in S.W.China,the Daughter of a Christian tribesman came to the mission house weeping most bitterly. She had lost father and mother with typhoid fever,and was an only child,and now alone in the world.I adopted her,and to help her forget her sorrow.I went into the garden,plucked a leaf and a flower, took from my work basket a piece of calico,some linen thread and a needle. With a pencil I traced the anemone and leaf and we sat together to embroider them. I had never done embroidery,but we both got absorbed in it. Tears ceased to flow as she attempted her task.I still have her work and made the piece of calico into a pillow slip which is still in my drawer.


She shared a dormitory with one of the borders, and attended the school. She was a great help to me when I was busy upstairs nursing two sick people,but I did not tell her this; it might have spoiled the joy of finding a new father and mother.But when I was busy upstairs she gave your father,who was not as old as you,his supper,got hot water for his evening wash and saw him safely and comfortably in bed.


When you grandfather did not recover from typhoid,you father and I came home,leaving some money to keep Wang-Hsin-Tsi in the school. As soon as we were settled in our English home I wrote for our adopted girl。No reply come,and it is likely the letters never got there as it was the time of the 1914 war. China even now is not like India where the banks,Railway services and Postal services run so efficiently. When missionaries came home on furlough from S.W.China, I wrote or interviewed them,but their labours were not amongst the tribes. Then again, I know she must have married and I could not guess what her married name might be.


I had some suggestion that her son might have been Chang Ren, Studying medicine,and I put up a plaque in our Church school in Torquay asking for prayers for him.whether this was remembered I don’t know but this last May I had read news. Two Methodist Secretaries set out to visit the mission station in China.Miss Porter went to S.W.China and sent me an Air Mail letter.here is a copy:


As you probably know, Mr. Rattenbury and I are visiting all our China Districts and we have completely our visit to the S.W.District-having spent the best part of five weeks among the tribal people whom you love so dearly,and I would add,who still love you very deeply.everywhere people were talking of Mr.Pollard-mothers and fathers are still telling their children of those days when you and Mr. Pollard were here. We had a whole week at stone gateway for the Miao meetings when preachers and teachers as well as ministers come from the five Miao Circuits.They sent greetings to you and remember you with great affection.


Wang-Hisn-Tsi,now Mr. Chang, the preacher’s wife in stone gateway sent a very special message of love and affection to you-as she gave it to me tears rolled down her checks.She said you were here mother.I am enclosing a photograph which I took of her and two of her smaller girls. Her eldest girl is teaching on the staff of Chaotong primary School,her son is a doctor in the Chaotong hospital.


Miss Porter,you see, discovered our adopted daughter,and it was not Chang Ren’s son who were sent to study medicine,but your father’s adopted sister’s son. You adopted sister married our ablest preacher Chang Chi Cheng,His son,Dr. Chang is getting experience in the Chao Tong hospital and later will be appointed to work with Miao. He has three sisters and the middle one,I hope,will be a nurse. I sent an Air Mail letter stating this and promising financial aid.


You will say it is better than a fairy stoy.

I am sending money to train the first three nurses in our tribal district,which is larger than Wales. They will be Miao nurses serving their own people.Your cousins in Birmingham have contributed well to this fund.1. Sister Mary, 2.Sister Han. 3.Sister Peh. The first nurses.


Love to you


From Grandma Pollard





阿信,独立学者,私学教师,以研究中国私学教育传统及译介外国传教士传记为治学方向,有一个4岁的女儿,陪伴女儿阅读和成长,在国内开展阿福童经济公民教育。 欢迎来信交流育儿、读书体会。有信必回。[email protected] 公号:阿信微言(ashing1989)
