星期日, 23 2 月, 2025




出处 清华基督之友群 已同意分享转发

读经: 篇65-67,罗马书2


但在现实生活中,我们很多人会不假思索地做出论断,尤其是对别人。在罗马书1章保罗指出人类作为一个整体的罪之后,现在转向他的同胞犹太人。 “你这论断人的,无论你是谁,也无可推诿,你在什么事上论断人,就在什么事上定自己的罪, 因你这论断人的,自己所行却和别人一样 ”(罗2:1)。犹太人是一群有特权的百姓,因为他们特别被神拣选来承受律法(2:17)。通过律法的教导和传承,他们应该晓得神的旨意(2:18),并引领世人走向光明(2:19)。但这种基于神的恩典之上的特权很快变成了骄傲,并且有关神旨意的律例典章很快变成了苛刻的论断。割礼,这个信心的印记,变成了一个用来排除其他人来到神面前的边界标记。更糟的是,他们甚至不照着他们所知道的去行。他们的论断常常是对着别人,很少是为了自我省察。因此,神必照各人的行为审判各人(2:6)因为“神不偏待人”(2:11)。







Day 213–08/01/2020– Psalm 65-67 Romans 2

Every two years, my wife and I watch the Olympics with excitement. She is especially into gymnastics and figure skating. Watching those world-class athletes compete is indeed a great experience, but I particularly admire those judges who had to make a difficult judgment among so many good performances. It takes expertise, experience, assertiveness, and, sometimes, courage. I think most people will not be able do that job well.

​But in real life, many of us do the judgment without hesitation, especially on others. After speaking against mankind as a whole in Romans 1, Paul turned to speak to his fellow Jews. “You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge the other, you are condemning yourself” (Rom 2:1). Jews are a privileged people, because they were chosen by God to receive the Law (2:17). Through the teaching and passing of the Law, they were supposed to know the will of God (2:18) and to lead the rest of the world toward light (2:19). But such privilege based on God’s grace soon turned to pride, and instructions about God’s will soon changed to harsh judgments. The seal of their faith, the circumcision, became a boundary marker to exclude others from coming before God. To make things worse, they didn’t even practice what they knew. Their judgment was often against others, seldom for self examination. Therefore, God shall judge them accordingly (2:6) for “God does not show favoritism” (2:11).

​There are two things for us to ponder as Christians. First, have we passed judgment onto our fellow Christians too easily? After a delightful meal with a few friends, have we become careless (Matt 12:36) in what we say against those working hard in serving the Lord? Criticizing others is the easiest trap Satan uses to entangle us, and often time it’s through the insecurity in our own heart to drive such behavior. Unfortunately, the Evil One is extremely good to sense such insecurity and use it for its scheme. Beware of that and be vigilant about it!

​Second, have we passed judgment onto non-Christians too easily? Though they may not know the will of God through the Bible, they have their conscience to bear witness for them (Rom 2:15). Let us work on the plank in our own eyes first. With God’s grace, we may then help others to remove the speck from their eyes. Keep in mind, God does not show favoritism.

Keep on reading,

Your pastor

Charlotte Grace One Christ Church


人若要扩展心灵,最好是研究基督。他舍身十字架以及三位一体神的荣耀真理。只要人对“神”这个伟大的课题做出真诚,热切和不断的探究,人的思想将得以扩到最阔,人的心灵将得以全面提升。这是做其他事情所得不到的。 ——司布真
