星期日, 23 2 月, 2025

West China ——花苗教会学校情况

The China Mission Year Book Being” The 基督徒s Movement in China”1910,

                         West China 

                        E.J. CARSON

Among the Miao,elementary schools have been established since the great movement towards 基督徒ity in that tribe beginning in 1907.The hope of the missionaries in that work is that from these lower grade schools the brighter boys will be drafted into a few central schools of higher grade and from these be sent on to a large central institute that Rev.S.Pollard expects to establish in the near 福ture.This work so far has been remarkably success福l.When the missionaries first went among the Miao they were about the most backward people in Yunnan,without even a written language in vogue.A phonetic alphabet has been invented and the children are coming to the schools in scores.It is reported that at the present time a very large percentage of the Miao boys and girls can read and write both Miao and Chinese with considerable facility.



大概主要讲述传教士(尤其Samuel Pollard)们在云南苗区所做的工作。

作者 E.J. CARSON介绍道,川滇黔边的苗区已经建立了属于自己的学校(小学),并且,在此辛勤付出的传教士们,选拔优秀苗族的孩子,把他们送入到更好的学校去,以至于为当地培养出自己的人才,他们(如柏格理)也期望不久的将来,苗区也能拥有属于自己的更好的、更高一级的学校。作者也讲述了传教士为这个“落后”的族群创造了自己的文字(即柏格理等人创制的苗文),并且在学校中普及苗文和汉文,许多的学生也掌握了这两门语言。





柏苗 顽石与窄门
柏苗 顽石与窄门
