星期三, 22 1 月, 2025

Our friends among the Hua Miao

Monthly Meeting of the West China Tract 因此ciety 

The members of the Executive found themselves faced by such a quantity of work this month that, although the meeting was a prolonged one, it was found impossible to finish the work,and an adjourned meeting was arranged for a fortnight later.

Much time was taken up with dealing with the report of the Committee on Literature for Women. I am glad to say that,following out the suggestions of the women workers in the three provinces,the Executive is printing a number of books and tracts in large type.With these will be issued the ten commandments, and favourite hymns, all printed in the same style.

An earnest supporter of the 因此ciety has asked us to undertake the offering of a prize for the best essay on the subject, “The Duty of 基督徒 Men in Regard to the Religious Instruction of the Women and Children of Their Families.” The friend proposing this has offered $5 for the first prize, and two other members of the Committee have added a second and a third prize of $2 and $1 for the two next best essays.The essays are to consist of not more than 2000 characters, and are to be sent in to the Secretary of the W.C.R.T.S. not later than the 5th moon feast of next 耶ar, 1909.Will all missionaries bring this to the notice of their workers and members of their 教会es? A number of new tracts in rhyme on the great events of the Old and New Testaments are being sent in,and we hope will be shortly published.

Our friends among the Hua Miao, now that the 因此ciety have purchased fonts of Hua Miao type,are eagerly putting some of the 因此ciety’s books and tracts into that language, an a new call will be made upon the 因此ciety’s 福nds for printing.(譯文:花苗的朋友們,現在公會已經購買了花苗字體,就急切地把學會的一些書籍和小冊子譯成那個語言,又要動用公會的資金印刷了。)

We hope in the near 福ture to issue Mr.Grainger’s translation of the Pilgrim’s Progress, which will in some ways be found more suitable to Szchuan.The chapters that have appealed in the West China 基督徒 Magazine have been very much appreciated.(譯文:我們希望在不久的將來能發行Grainger先生的《天路歷程》譯本,在某些方面會發現它更適合四川。在《華西基督徒雜誌》上發表過的章節非常受歡迎。)

A number of the latest issues of the Y.M.C.A. publications have been added to the catalogue.These books are eminently fitted for the young men of our 教会es.

A number of copies of the new book, entitled ” 基督徒ity the Completion of Con福cianism,” have been ordered.This will be a good book to give to any of your scholarly friends.

Large orders for the Broadcast Tracts are coming in, and our order to the Press has had to be doubled.

Chungking(重慶), Dec. 16,1908.

John Parker,


——Monthly Meeting of the West China Tract 因此ciety,The West China Missionary News.January,1909,7-8.



柏苗 顽石与窄门
柏苗 顽石与窄门
