星期六, 15 3 月, 2025





/乔治 赫伯特



来吧 我的道路 我的真理 我的生命

这样的道路 赐给我们呼吸

这样的真理 终止一切分歧

这样的生命 杀灭死亡阴影


来吧 我的亮光 我的筵席 我的力量

这样的亮光 彰显一场筵席

这样的筵席 再久也觉常新

这样的力量 造就他的嘉宾


来吧 我的喜乐 我的真爱 我的心灵

这样的喜乐 无人能够挪去

这样的真爱 无人能去分离

这样的心灵 常在爱中欢喜


The Call

by George Herbert

Come, my Way, my Truth, my Life:

Such a way as gives us breath;

Such a truth as ends all strife,

Such a life as killeth death.


Come, my Light, my Feast, my Strength:

Such a light as shows a feast,

Such a feast as mends in length,

Such a strength as makes his guest.


Come, my Joy, my Love, my Heart:

Such a joy as none can move,

Such a love as none can part,

Such a heart as joys in love.



/乔治 赫伯特




看起来如此坚固又强壮——就是 忍耐


一直被不断地检查——就是 谦卑


一边通向上面的唱——就是 信心



就是 真爱——和 仁慈


Make you the floor?

that square and speckled stone,

     Which looks so firm and stong——Is PATIENCE:

And the other black and grave,wherewith each one

      Is checker’d all along——HUMILITY:

The gentle rising,which on either hand

    Leads to the quire above——Is CONFIDENCE:

But the sweet cement, which in one sure band

   Ties the whole frame, is LOVE——And CHARITY.


乔治·赫伯特(George Herbert,15931633 ),威尔士诗人、演说家、牧师、  玄学派圣人,出身于富有的艺术之家,接受过良好的教育,在剑桥大学和议会都曾担任高级职务,拥有很高的地位。在剑桥三一学院时,他的语言和音乐成绩就十分突出。他本来打算成为牧师,但他的学问引起了英王詹姆斯一世的注意,于是在国会待了两年。詹姆斯王死后,在朋友的鼓励下,他重新燃起对宗教的兴趣。1630年,他抛开凡尘,成为了英国国教会的圣职人员,担任圣安德鲁·伯莫顿小教区的神父了此余生。他对教区人民十分关心,经常在他们生病时为他们主持圣礼,为贫寒的家庭提供食物和衣服。他的作品将丰富的感情和清晰的逻辑融为一体,描写生动形象,隐喻出神入化。 在他的一生中,他坚持不懈的用一种精确的语言来创作宗教诗。英国国教会把227日作为他的纪念日


       The Collar.
   I Struck the board, and cry’d, No more.
   I will abroad.
   What? shall I ever sigh and pine?
  My lines and life are free; free as the rode,
   Loose as the winde, as large as store.
   Shall I be still in suit?
   Have I no harvest but a thorn
   To let me bloud, and not restore
  What I have lost with cordiall fruit?
   Sure there was wine
   Before my sighs did drie it: there was corn
   Before my tears did drown it.
   Is the yeare onely lost to me?
   Have I no bayes to crown it?
  No flowers, no garlands gay? all blasted?
   All wasted?
   Not so, my heart: but there is fruit,
   And thou hast hands.
   Recover all thy sigh-blown age
  On double pleasures: leave thy cold dispute
  Of what is fit, and not. Forsake thy cage,
   Thy rope of sands,1
  Which pettie thoughts have made, and made to thee
   Good cable, to enforce and draw,
   And be thy law,
   While thou didst wink and wouldst not see.
   Away; take heed:
   I will abroad.
  Call in thy deaths head there: tie up thy fears.
   He that forbears
   To suit and serve his need,
   Deserves his load.
  But as I rav’d and grew more fierce and wilde
   At every word,
   Me thoughts I heard one calling, Childe:
   And I reply’d, My Lord.

阿信,独立学者,私学教师,以研究中国私学教育传统及译介外国传教士传记为治学方向,有一个4岁的女儿,陪伴女儿阅读和成长,在国内开展阿福童经济公民教育。 欢迎来信交流育儿、读书体会。有信必回。[email protected] 公号:阿信微言(ashing1989)
