Hudspeth, William Harrison
1.”The Cult of the Door amongst the Miao 因此uth-West China.” Folklore 33.4 (1922): 406-410.(王在剑桥大学修东方语言和人类学(硕士)期间发表的一篇学术论文)

2.”A Creation Story of the A-Hsi.” Folklore 70.2 (1959): 398-403.
3.”The A-Hsi Story of the Deluge.” Folklore 71.2 (1960): 109-118.(两篇研究彝族的学术论文,发表于王的晚年)
4.Hua Miao Ideas of Glang ‘The Living Reality’[J]. Ultimate Reality and Meaning, 1981, 4(3): 181-194.(一篇研究花苗,即阿卯的学术论文,发表时王已逝世。)
5.The Bible and China[J]. Third jubilee books, 1952.(此为王在圣书公会工作时写的一篇关于Bible在中国的翻译历程的文章。)
6.”Ballads and Stories from Tun-huang.” Folklore.Vol. 72, No. 4 (Dec., 1961), 632 .( Folklore是一本经同行全面评审的国际民俗和民俗学的期刊,1878年始创。)
7.Stone-gateway and the flowery Miao.London : Cargate Press, 1937.(《石门坎与花苗》一书)
Reviewed Work: Stone-Gateway and the Flowery Miao. Review by: Martin R. Norins.Pacific Affairs Vol. 12, No. 3 (Sep., 1939), pp. 340-342.


( Missionary Echo)