星期四, 13 3 月, 2025

共融讲座 第六场 预告

 共融讲座 第六场 



  Von Balthasar’s Theological Aesthetics and the Postmodern Predicament

Beginning is a problem not only for the thinking person, the philosopher, a problem that remains with him and determines all his subsequent steps; the beginning is also a primal decision which includes all later ones for the person whose life is based on response and decision. God’s truth is, indeed, great enough to allow an infinity of approaches and entryways. And it is also free enough subsequently to expand the horizons of one who has chosen too narrow a starting point and to help him to his feet. Whoever confronts the whole truth—not only man’s truth and that of the world, but the truth of a God who bestows himself on man, the truth not only of the historical Gospel and of the Church that preserves it, but the truth of the growing Kingdom of God both as it now is in the fulness of God’s creation and also in the weakness of the grain that dies in me and in all my brothers, in the night of our present and in the uncertainty of our future: whoever, I say, confronts such wholeness of truth desires to choose as his first word one which he will not have to take back, one which he will not afterwards have to correct with violence, but one which is broad enough to foster and include all words to follow, and clear enough to penetrate all the others with its light.

Beauty is the word that shall be our first.

——Hans Urs von Balthasar





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D. C. Schindler

Professor of Metaphysics and Anthropology

B.A., Program of Liberal Studies, The University of Notre Dame

M.T.S., Pontifical John Paul II Institute, Washington, D.C.

M.A., Ph.D., Philosophy, The Catholic University of America


Select Publications

  • Select Books

· Homo Abyssus: The Drama of the Question of Being, by Ferdinand Ulrich (Humanum Academic Press, 2018). Translator and editor of the English publication.

· Love and the Postmodern Predicament: Rediscovering the Real in Beauty, Goodness, and Truth. (Cascade Books, 2018).

· Freedom from Reality: The Diabolical Character of Modern Liberty. (University of Notre Dame Press, 2017).

· The Catholicity of Reason. (Eerdmans, 2013).

· The Perfection of Freedom: Schiller, Schelling, and Hegel Between the Ancients and the Moderns(Cascade Books, 2012).

· Plato’s Critique of Impure Reason: On Truth and Goodness in the Republic. (CUA Press, 2008).

· Hans Urs von Balthasar and the Dramatic Structure of Truth: A Philosophical Investigation. (Fordham Press, 2004).

  • Select Articles and Book Chapters

· “Redeeming Work: On Techne as an Encounter between God, Man and the World,” in Enlightening the Mystery of Man: Gaudium et spes Fifty Years Later, ed. by Fr. Antonio Lopez (Humanum Academic Press, 2018), 256-74. 

· Love and Beauty, the “Forgotten Transcendental,” in Thomas Aquinas.” Communio 44.2 (Summer 2017): 334-356.

· Perfect Difference: Gender and the Analogy of Being.” Communio 43.2 (Summer 2016): 194-231.

· “’Unless You Become a Philosopher . . . ‘: On God, Being, and Reason’s Role in Faith.” Communio 43.1 (Spring 2016): 83-103.

· Work as Contemplation: On the Platonic Notion of Techne.” Communio (Winter 2015): 594-617

· The Crisis of Marriage as a Crisis of Meaning: On the Sterility of the Modern Will.” Communio 41.2 (Summer 2014): 331-371.

· Liberalism, Religious Freedom, and the Common Good: The Totalitarian Logic of Self-Limitation.” Communio 40 (Summer/Fall 2013): 577-615.

· The Truth of Being and the Being of Truth: A Response to Jean-Luc Marion on the Catholicity of the University.” Communio 40 (Spring 2013): 77-99.

· Analogia Naturae: What Does Inanimate Matter Contribute to the Meaning of Life?” Communio 38.4 (Winter 2011): 657-681.

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