星期日, 23 2 月, 2025

危机时代的信仰告白 A Confession of Faith in a Time of Crisis

危机时代的信仰告白 A Confession of Faith in a Time of Crisis

Canticle of the Turning is a song written by Rory Cooney based on the Magnificat (Song of Mary).  The melody is the popular Irish tune “Star of the County Down” which first appeared as the song “Gilderoy” from Pills to Purge Melancholy by Thomas d’Urfey, published between 1698 and 1720.

This version is sung by Gary Daigle, Rory Cooney & Theresa Donohoo from the album “Safety Harbor”.

A Confession of Faith in a Time of Crisis


We are living through perilous and polarizing times as a nation, with a dangerous crisis of moral and political leadership at the highest levels of our government and in our churches. We believe the soul of the nation and the integrity of faith are now at stake.








integrity: the quality of being honest and having 

strong moral principles; moral uprightness


It is time to be followers of Jesus before anything else—nationality, political party, race, ethnicity, gender, geography—our identity in Christ precedes every other identity. We pray that our nation will see Jesus’ words in us. “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:35).













When politics undermines our theology, we must examine that politics. The church’s role is to change the world through the life and love of Jesus Christ. The government’s role is to serve the common good by protecting justice and peace, rewarding good behavior while restraining bad behavior (Romans 13). When that role is undermined by political leadership, faith leaders must stand up and speak out. Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, “The church must be reminded that it is not the master or the servant of the state, but rather the conscience of the state.”


















It is often the duty of Christian leaders, especially elders, to speak the truth in love to our churches and to name and warn against temptations, racial and cultural captivities, false doctrines, and political idolatries—and even our complicity in them. We do so here with humility, prayer, and a deep dependency on the grace and Holy Spirit of God.












This letter comes from a retreat on Ash Wednesday, 2018. In this season of Lent, we feel deep lamentations for the state of our nation, and our own hearts are filled with confession for the sins we feel called to address. The true meaning of the word repentance is to turn around. It is time to lament, confess, repent, and turn. In times of crisis, the church has historically learned to return to Jesus Christ.


(2月18日,Ash Wednesday)
















Jesus is Lord. That is our foundational confession. It was central for the early church and needs to again become central to us. If Jesus is Lord, then Caesar was not—nor any other political ruler since. If Jesus is Lord, no other authority is absolute. Jesus Christ, and the kingdom of God he announced, is the Christian’s first loyalty, above all others. We pray, “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10). Our faith is personal but never private, meant not only for heaven but for this earth.







 – 其他任何政治统治者 – 



















The question we face is this: Who is Jesus Christ for us today? What does our loyalty to Christ, as disciples, require at this moment in our history? We believe it is time to renew our theology of public discipleship and witness. Applying what “Jesus is Lord” means today is the message we commend as elders to our churches.

















What we believe leads us to what we must reject. Our “Yes” is the foundation for our “No.” What we confess as our faith leads to what we confront. Therefore, we offer the following six affirmations of what we believe, and the resulting rejections of practices and policies by political leaders which dangerously corrode the soul of the nation and deeply threaten the public integrity of our faith. We pray that we, as followers of Jesus, will find the depth of faith to match the danger of our political crisis.

















I. WE BELIEVE each human being is made in God’s image and likeness (Genesis 1:26). That image and likeness confers a divinely decreed dignity, worth, and God-given equality to all of us as children of the one God who is the Creator of all things. Racial bigotry is a brutal denial of the image of God (the imago dei) in some of the children of God. 

I.我们相信每个人都是按照神的形象和样式造的(创世记1:26)。 这种形象和样式赋予了神圣的尊严价值及神给予我们所有人作为万物创造者 – 独一的儿女平等。 种族偏见是对一些神儿女身上“上帝(拉丁文the imago dei)的形象”的残酷否认。

Our participation in the global community of Christ absolutely prevents any toleration of racial bigotry. Racial justice and healing are biblical and theological issues for us, and are central to the mission of the body of Christ in the world. We give thanks for the prophetic role of the historic black churches in America when they have called for a more faithful gospel.

我们加入到全世界基督徒群体,坚决反对“对任何种族偏见”的容忍。 种族公义和医治恢复,对我们来说是圣经和神学主题,且是基督肢体在世界中的核心使命。 我们感谢历史中黑人教会在美国所扮演的先知角色,那时他们呼吁一个“更加信实(faithful)的福音”。

THEREFORE, WE REJECT the resurgence of white nationalism and racism in our nation on many fronts, including the highest levels of political leadership. We, as followers of Jesus, must clearly reject the use of racial bigotry for political gain that we have seen. In the face of such bigotry, silence is complicity. In particular, we reject white supremacy and commit ourselves to help dismantle the systems and structures that perpetuate white preference and advantage. Further, any doctrines or political strategies that use racist resentments, fears, or language must be named as public sin—one that goes back to the foundation of our nation and lingers on. Racial bigotry must be antithetical for those belonging to the body of Christ, because it denies the truth of the gospel we profess.

因此,我们反对在我们国家中的在许多方面(包括最高的政治领袖层),重新出现的白人民族主义和种族主义。 我们,作为耶稣的追随者,必须坚决拒绝【已经出现的】用种族偏见来达到其“政治利益”。 面对这种偏见,沉默是共谋。 我们拒绝“白人至上(主义)”,也承担起打破“延续白人偏好和优先”的制度和(组织)结构。 此外,任何使用种族主义的怨恨,恐惧或语言的教义或政治策略都必须被称为“公共罪恶” – 这可以追溯到我们国家的立国时并持续存在。 种族偏见必是与任何“成为基督肢体的(基督徒个人或基督教会)”对立的,因为它否认了我们所信奉的福音的真理。

II. WE BELIEVE we are one body. In Christ, there is to be no oppression based on race, gender, identity, or class (Galatians 3:28). The body of Christ, where those great human divisions are to be overcome, is meant to be an example for the rest of society. When we fail to overcome these oppressive obstacles, and even perpetuate them, we have failed in our vocation to the world—to proclaim and live the reconciling gospel of Christ.

II。我们相信我们是一个身体。在基督里,不因种族,性别,身份或阶级而受到压迫(加拉太书3:28)。基督的身体,在面对重大的人类分歧时,应是社会其他群体的榜样。当我们不能克服这些压迫的缠累,甚至助长它们时,我们就有负对世界的使命 – 宣告并活出基督“和平的福音”。

THEREFORE, WE REJECT misogyny, the mistreatment, violent abuse, sexual harassment, and assault of women that has been further revealed in our culture and politics, including our churches, and the oppression of any other child of God. We lament when such practices seem publicly ignored, and thus privately condoned, by those in high positions of leadership. We stand for the respect, protection, and affirmation of women in our families, communities, workplaces, politics, and churches. We support the courageous truth-telling voices of women, who have helped the nation recognize these abuses. We confess sexism as a sin, requiring our repentance and resistance.

因此,我们拒绝对妇女的厌恶,虐待,暴力虐待,性骚扰和殴打,以及对上帝其他任何孩子的压迫,特别是在我们的文化和政治领域(包括我们的教会)中所呈现出的情况。 我们感到悲痛,因这些行为似乎被那些处于高位的人“公开忽视,并在私下里被接受”我们主张在家庭,社区,工作场所,政治和教会中尊重,保护和肯定女性。 我们支持“那些帮助国家认识到这些弊端”的女性,她们勇敢为真理发声。 我们承认性别歧视是一种罪过,需要我们的悔改和抵制。

III. WE BELIEVE how we treat the hungry, the thirsty, the naked, the stranger, the sick, and the prisoner is how we treat Christ himself. (Matthew 25: 31-46) “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” God calls us to protect and seek justice for those who are poor and vulnerable, and our treatment of people who are “oppressed,” “strangers,” “outsiders,” or otherwise considered “marginal” is a test of our relationship to God, who made us all equal in divine dignity and love. Our proclamation of the lordship of Jesus Christ is at stake in our solidarity with the most vulnerable. If our gospel is not “good news to the poor,” it is not the gospel of Jesus Christ (Luke 4:18).

III 我们相信我们如何对待“忍饥挨饿,赤身裸体,陌生人,病人和囚犯”就是我们如何对待基督。 (马太福音25:31-46)“我实在告诉你们,这些事你们既作在我这弟兄中一个最小的身上,就是作在我身上了。”上帝呼召我们来保护那些人并为他们寻求正义。 而我们如何对待“被压迫的”,“陌生人”,“外人”或“被边缘化的人”就是对“我们与上帝关系”的考验。祂使我们所有人在神圣尊严和爱中得享平等。我们所宣告的“耶稣的主权”与“我们是否与最弱势的群体团结一心(solidarity)”息息相关。 如果我们的福音不是“给穷人的好消息”,那么这不是耶稣基督的福音(路加福音4:18)。

THEREFORE, WE REJECT the language and policies of political leaders who would debase and abandon the most vulnerable children of God. We strongly deplore the growing attacks on immigrants and refugees, who are being made into cultural and political targets, and we need to remind our churches that God makes the treatment of the “strangers” among us a test of faith (Leviticus 19:33-34). We won’t accept the neglect of the well-being of low-income families and children, and we will resist repeated attempts to deny health care to those who most need it. We confess our growing national sin of putting the rich over the poor. We reject the immoral logic of cutting services and programs for the poor while cutting taxes for the rich. Budgets are moral documents. We commit ourselves to opposing and reversing those policies and finding solutions that reflect the wisdom of people from different political parties and philosophies to seek the common good. Protecting the poor is a central commitment of Christian discipleship, to which 2,000 verses in the Bible attest.

因此,我们反对政治领袖那些“贬低和抛弃上帝最弱势的儿女”的语言和政策。我们强烈谴责越来越多的移民和难民遭到攻击,他们成为文化上和政治上攻击的目标,我们需要提醒我们众教会,神让我们中间的“陌生人”成为我们信仰的考验(利未记19:33- 34)我们不会接受“忽视低收入家庭儿童的利益”,我们会抵制一再剥夺“那些最需要医保人群的医保福利”的企图。我们承认我们日益增长的全国性的“偏袒富人不看顾贫穷人”的罪。我们反对反道德逻辑的 – 削减穷人服务和(服务)项目,却为富人的减税。预算是道德文件。我们承诺要反对和扭转这些政策,并寻求“体现人民的智慧,来自不同政党和不同理论”达成共同利益的解决方案。“圣sheng经jing”中有2000节经文共同应证,保护穷人是基督门徒的核心承诺。

IV. WE BELIEVE that truth is morally central to our personal and public lives. Truth-telling is central to the prophetic biblical tradition, whose vocation includes speaking the Word of God into their societies and speaking the truth to power. A commitment to speaking truth, the ninth commandment of the Decalogue, “You shall not bear false witness” (Exodus 20:16), is foundational to shared trust in society. Falsehood can enslave us, but Jesus promises, “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:32). The search and respect for truth is crucial to anyone who follows Christ.

IV 我们相信真理在我们的个人和公共生活中是道德中心。 讲真话是先知书中圣sheng经jing传统的核心,先知的职责包括将神的话传播到他们群体中,并向掌权者说真话。 说真话的承诺,(也是)十诫的第九条诫命,“你不得作假见证”(出埃及记20:16),是社会彼此信任的基础。 谬误可以奴役我们,但耶稣应许说:“你们必晓得真理,真理必叫你们得以自由。”(约翰福音8:32)。 寻求和尊重真理对任何跟随基督的人都是至关重要的。

THEREFORE, WE REJECT the practice and pattern of lying that is invading our political and civil life. Politicians, like the rest of us, are human, fallible, sinful, and mortal. But when public lying becomes so persistent that it deliberately tries to change facts for ideological, political, or personal gain, the public accountability to truth is undermined. The regular purveying of falsehoods and consistent lying by the nation’s highest leaders can change the moral expectations within a culture, the accountability for a civil society, and even the behavior of families and children. The normalization of lying presents a profound moral danger to the fabric of society. In the face of lies that bring darkness, Jesus is our truth and our light.

因此,我们反对撒谎的行为和习惯”侵入我们政治和公民生活。 政治家,也是人,会犯错的,是有罪的,且是凡人。 当公共谎言变得如此泛滥,甚至故意为了意识形态,政治或个人利益试图改变事实时,公众获得真相的权利受到损害。 国家最高领导阶层经常性地输出虚假和持续性的谎言会改变文化中的道德期望,(影响)文明社会的问责基础,甚至(改变)家庭和儿童的行为如今出现的“对谎言习以为常”给社会带来了深刻的道德危机。 面对带来谎言带来的黑暗,耶稣是我们的真理和我们的光。

V. WE BELIEVE that Christ’s way of leadership is servanthood, not domination. Jesus said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles (the world) lord it over them, and their great ones are tyrants over them. It will not be so among you; but whoever wishes to be great among you must be your servant” (Matthew 20:25-26). We believe our elected officials are called to public service, not public tyranny, so we must protect the limits, checks, and balances of democracy and encourage humility and civility on the part of elected officials. We support democracy, not because we believe in human perfection, but because we do not. The authority of government is instituted by God to order an unredeemed society for the sake of justice and peace, but ultimate authority belongs only to God.

V 我们相信基督的领导方式是做奴仆,而不是管辖/压制。 耶稣说:“你知道外邦人(世界)有君王为主治理他们,有大臣操权管束他们。只是在你们中间不可这样。你们中间谁愿为大,就必作你们的用人。谁愿为首,就必作你们的仆人。”(马太福音20:25-26)。 我们认为,我们的民选官员蒙召是为公共服务而不是实施公共暴政,所以我们必须保护民主的界限,审核和平衡,并鼓励民选官员谦逊且文明。我们支持民主,不是因为我们相信人的完美,而是因为我们不相信。 政府的权威由上帝授予,为一个“未得救社会”的正义与和平而存在,但最终权柄只归于神。

THEREFORE, WE REJECT any moves toward autocratic political leadership and authoritarian rule. We believe authoritarian political leadership is a theological danger that threatens democracy and the common good—and we will resist it. Disrespect for the rule of law, not recognizing the equal importance of our three branches of government, and replacing civility with dehumanizing hostility toward opponents are of great concern to us. Neglecting the ethic of public service and accountability, in favor of personal recognition and gain often characterized by offensive arrogance, are not just political issues for us. They raise deeper concerns about political idolatry, accompanied by false and unconstitutional notions of authority.

因此,我们反对任何倾向专制政治领导和专制统治的举措。 我们认为专制政治领导,在神学上是危险的,给民主和公众利益带来危险 – 我们会抵制它。 不尊重法治,不认可我们三层政府部门的同等重要性,及面对反对者,施以反人性的敌意而非文明(的态度),这些是我们深度担忧的。 无视公共服务和问责制的伦理,偏爱个人认可和个人(利益)所得,且常以冒犯傲慢为其特色,这些不仅仅关乎我们的政治主题。 这些引发了(我们)对政治偶像崇拜深深的担忧,这(种崇拜)其中夹杂着虚伪和违宪的权威观念

来源网络:They are the Executive, (President and about 5,000,000 workers) Legislative (Senate and House of Representatives) and Judicial (Supreme Court and lower Courts). 他们分别是是执行层(包括总统和约5,000,000名工作人员),立法机关(参议院和众议院)和司法机构(最高法院和下级法院)。

VI. WE BELIEVE Jesus when he tells us to go into all nations making disciples (Matthew 28:18). Our churches and our nations are part of an international community whose interests always surpass national boundaries. The most well-known verse in the New Testament starts with “For God so loved the world” (John 3:16). We, in turn, should love and serve the world and all its inhabitants, rather than seek first narrow, nationalistic prerogatives.

VI 我们相信耶稣,祂告诉我们要去万国(使万民)成为我的门徒(马太福音28:18)。 我们的教会和我们的国家是国际社会的一部分,其利益是不限于/超越国界的。 新约中最著名的经文以“神爱世人”为开始(约翰福音3:16)。 同样,我们应该热爱和服侍世界及其所有居民,而不是首先寻求“狭隘的民族主义的特权”。

THEREFORE, WE REJECT “America first” as a theological heresy for followers of Christ. While we share a patriotic love for our country, we reject xenophobic or ethnic nationalism that places one nation over others as a political goal. We reject domination rather than stewardship of the earth’s resources, toward genuine global development that brings human flourishing for all of God’s children. Serving our own communities is essential, but the global connections between us are undeniable. Global poverty, environmental damage, violent conflict, weapons of mass destruction, and deadly diseases in some places ultimately affect all places, and we need wise political leadership to deal with each of these.

因此,我们拒绝“美国第一(首位)”,对于基督徒来说,这是神学上的异端(思想)。 在我们同有爱国之心,我们反对排外或民族主义某国驾驭其他国家之上的政治目标。 我们反对压制,支持成为地球资源管家,因切实的全球发展带来人类繁荣,为所有神的儿女(带来益处)。 服务我们自己的社区是必不可少的,但在我们之间的全球联系也是不可否认的。 全球性的贫困,环境破坏,暴力冲突,大规模毁灭性武器和在一些地方的致命性疾病,终将影响各个地方,我们需要明智的政治领袖来处理各个问题。

WE ARE DEEPLY CONCERNED for the soul of our nation, but also for our churches and the integrity of our faith. The present crisis calls us to go deeper—deeper into our relationship to God; deeper into our relationships with each other, especially across racial, ethnic, and national lines; deeper into our relationships with the most vulnerable, who are at greatest risk.

我们深为我们国家的灵魂担忧,也为我们的教会和我们信仰的真实(一致/整全)性担忧。 现今的危机需要我们更深入地 – 建立我们与上帝的关系; 建立我们彼此之间的关系,特别是跨越种族,民族和国境线; 建立与“处在最危险景况中的弱势群体”的关系。

The church is always subject to temptations to power, to cultural conformity, and to racial, class, and gender divides, as Galatians 3:28 teaches us. But our answer is to be “in Christ,” and to “not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable, and perfect.” (Romans 12:1-2)

正如加拉太书3:28 教导我们的,教会总是受到权力,文化上的同化,以及种族,阶级和性别上差异的诱惑。 但我们的回答是在“基督里”,并且“不要效法这个世界。只要心意更新而变化,叫你们察验何为神的善良,纯全可喜悦的旨意。“(罗马书12:1-2)

The best response to our political, material, cultural, racial, or national idolatries is the First Commandment: “You shall have no other gods before me” (Exodus 20:3). Jesus summarizes the Greatest Commandment: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, your soul, and your mind. This is the first commandment. And the second is like unto it. You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these commandments hang all the law and the prophets” (Matthew 22:38). As to loving our neighbors, we would add “no exceptions.”

第一条诫命,是我们的政治上,物质上,文化中,种族上或国家性的偶像崇拜,的最好回应:“除了我以外,你不可有别的神。”(出20:3)。 耶稣总结了最大的诫命:“你要尽心,尽性,尽意,爱主你的神。这是诫命中的第一,且是最大的。其次也相仿,就是要爱人如己。这两条诫命,是律法和先知一切道理的总纲。“(马太福音22:38)。 对于“爱人如己”,我们会加上“无人除外(没有例外)”。

We commend this letter to pastors, local churches, and young people who are watching and waiting to see what the churches will say and do at such a time as this.


Our urgent need, in a time of moral and political crisis, is to recover the power of confessing our faith. Lament, repent, and then repair. If Jesus is Lord, there is always space for grace. We believe it is time to speak and to act in faith and conscience, not because of politics, but because we are disciples of Jesus Christ—to whom be all authority, honor, and glory. It is time for a fresh confession of faith. Jesus is Lord. He is the light in our darkness. “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12).

在道德和政治危机之时,我们迫切的需要:恢复告白我们信仰的能力。 哀叹,悔改,之后修复。 如果耶稣是主,那么永远有(寻得)恩典的机会。 我们相信现在是在信心和良心中说话和做事的时候了,不因政治,却因我们是耶稣基督的门徒 – 一切的权柄、尊荣和荣耀都归于祂。 现在是重新告白信仰的的时候了。 耶稣是主。 他是我们黑暗中的光。 “我是世界的光。跟从我的,就不在黑暗里走,必要得着生命的光。“(约翰福音8:12)。


Bishop Carroll A. Baltimore, President and CEO, Global Alliance Interfaith Networks

Rev. Dr. Peter Borgdorff, Executive Director Emeritus, Christian Reformed Church in North America

Dr. Amos Brown, Chair, Social Justice Commission, National Baptist Convention USA, Inc.

Rev. Dr. Walter Brueggemann, Professor Emeritus, Columbia Theological Seminary

Dr. Tony Campolo, Co-Founder, Red Letter Christians

Dr. Iva Carruthers, General Secretary, Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference

The Most Rev. Michael B. Curry, Presiding Bishop and Primate, The Episcopal Church

Rev. Dr. James Forbes, President and Founder, Healing the Nations  Foundation and Preaching Professor at Union Theological Seminary

Rev. Wesley Granberg-Michaelson, General Secretary Emeritus, Reformed Church in America

Rev. Dr. Cynthia Hale, Senior Pastor, Ray of Hope Christian Church, Decatur, GA

Rev. Dr. Richard Hamm, former General Minister and President of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

Rev. Dr. Joel C. Hunter, Faith Community Organizer and Chairman, Community Resource Network

Rev. Dr. Jo Anne Lyon, General Superintendent Emerita, The Wesleyan Church

Bishop Vashti McKenzie, 117th Elected and Consecrated Bishop, AME Church

Rev. Dr. Otis Moss, Jr., Co-Convener National African American Clergy Network

Dr. John Perkins, Chair Emeritus and Founding Member, Christian Community Development Association

Bishop Lawrence Reddick, CEO, Christian Methodist Episcopal Church

Fr. Richard Rohr, Founder, Center for Action and Contemplation

Dr. Ron Sider, President Emeritus, Evangelicals for Social Action

Rev. Jim Wallis, President and Founder, Sojourners

Rev. Dr. Sharon Watkins, Director, NCC Truth and Racial Justice Initiative

Dr. Barbara Williams-Skinner, Co-Convener, National African American Clergy Network; President, Skinner Leadership Institute

Bishop Will Willimon, Bishop, The United Methodist Church, retired, Professor of the Practice of Ministry, Duke Divinity School


危机时代的信仰告白 A Confession of Faith in a Time of Crisis


危机时代的信仰告白 A Confession of Faith in a Time of Crisis









危机时代的信仰告白 A Confession of Faith in a Time of Crisis

