很难想到我的太太有什么事情让我烦心,她整天都让我欢笑。我很使劲地想,才想到那么一两件。我很清楚地知道我自己有多少事情让人烦心,而太太都得担待着。她确实很少有什么事让我不舒服,不过,就算有这样的时候,我只要想想自己有半打惹人厌的事,基本上我就不会生气了。但是,我不是在建议丈夫们平常多多惹恼你们的妻子,这样当她惹你生气的时候你就气不起来了。这不是个好主意。我想,在大多数婚姻里,惹恼对方的概率要比我和Helen的均衡得多,这样要不生气就是挺有挑战性的。我也知道,在你们的婚姻里,也许配偶惹你烦恼或生气的时候要远远超出你惹对方的,这时,你们就需要给配偶“恩典”,从上帝而来的恩典,我想今晚我会和Helen为你们祷告,要相信上帝会给你们恩典以至于你们不会一直陷在恼怒里。太太说我让她不高兴的两件事儿:1.我讨厌豆腐。2.我不喜欢健康食物。我仔细聆听,没有辩驳。我能怎么改变?1.我可以一个星期吃一次豆腐,请一定不要超过两次!2.我会停止吃饼干。其实我已经改变了很多饮食习惯,这表示Helen已经取得成果了。It is was rather difficult to think of anything that my wife does that annoys me. She spends most of the day making me smile and laugh. I was actually able to think of a couple of things after I thought about it fairly hard. I am very very much aware of how many things I do that are annoying, and that my wife puts up with.She really does so very little to annoy me. But it’s very easy for me when she does something to annoy me to remind myself of half a dozen things that I do,and then that helps me not be annoyed most of the time. But I don’t think I can advise husbands be sure you annoy her wife and lots more ways than she annoys you,then when she annoys you can say well I’m worse than she is and not be annoyed.I think in most marriages it’s more equal than it is in mine and Helen’s, and that makes it more of a challenge. But I do also know that you can be on the other side of the very one-sided marriage, and for that, you need a whole a lot of the grace of God to stay in grace with your spouse. So I think tonight Helen and I will say a special prayer for all the people that are married to people who are far more annoying than they themselves are confident that God will give him grace to not live in a constant state of irritation.Two things that I annoy my wife:1.I hate Tofu.2. I don’t like healthy food.I listened very carefully. I did not argue.What can I do?1.I will try to eat Tofu, once a week maybe(no more than twice a week though PLEASE).2.I will stop eating graham crackers. I have changed my eating habits a LOT already, though; so that’s a sign Helen already has accomplished a lot.