星期二, 4 3 月, 2025







纽约大学Langone儿童研究中心的Andrea Vazzana博士是儿童精神病学的临床助理教授,他认为:社交情商技能对塑造孩子的行为很重要,父母对孩子情商技能的培养,越早开始越好。

























How to Raise Entrepreneurial Kids

By: Nadia Goodman Guest Writer


Tomorrow’s business leaders and startup founders will be today’syoung kids whose parents have raised them with an entrepreneurial spirit — askill that is increasingly important as young people flood the startup worldand the freelance economy grows.

As a parent, you inspire entrepreneurship byfostering the emotional skills your child will need, such as comfort with risk,effective problem solving, and a positive attitude toward failure.


“It’s all about shaping the child’sbehavior,” says Dr. Andrea Vazzana, clinical assistant professor of childpsychiatry at New York University Langone’s Child Study Center. “Socialemotional skills are important and the earlier you can help a child with them,the better.” 


Here are five parenting tips to help you fosterentrepreneurial qualities in your kids. 


1. Model effective problem solving. To prepare kids to find business ideas in everyday life,bolster their problem solving skills while they’re young. When problems come upin your child’s life, brainstorm solutions together. Help them identify the problem,think of all the possible solutions, weigh the pros and cons, and choose thebest option.


“The more parents can break down what’s neededwithin that problem solving task, really verbalize it, and talk it out with thechild, the better off the child will be,” Vazanna says.


2. Help kids learn from failure. As a parent, you influence your child’s willingness to try,fail, learn, and try again — an essential skill for entrepreneurs. To do this,frame criticism as a learning opportunity by helping your child practice theskill or brainstorm what they could do differently next time.


When you offer suggestions for improvement,bookend them with specific praise on either side. “This is called a feedbacksandwich,” Vazanna says. “The child doesn’t feel so harshly criticized; theycan take away a positive message.”


3. Let kids make decisions. An entrepreneur’s confident decisions are rooted in early independence. Whenkids are toddlers, you might give them the choice of spinach or broccoli withdinner, or let them choose their outfits. “You’re exposing them to what itfeels like to make a decision, and helping them feel good for being able to dothat,” Vazanna says.

When kids are young, limit choices to a fewoptions. “Kids can get overwhelmed if they have too many choices,” Vazannasays. As they get older, loosen the reins and trust them with bigger decisions.


4. Foster a sense of mastery. Entrepreneurs take huge risks, but being comfortable withuncertainty doesn’t happen overnight. Kids need the freedom to test theirboundaries and master fears while they’re young.

When your child faces a risky situation, helpat first, then transition them toward independence. “Tasks should beprogressively more difficult,” Vazanna says. “This gives the child a sense of mastery.”By setting them up to succeed, you empower them to feel confident taking risks.



5. Teach constructive ways to challenge thestatus quo. Kids are often taught tofollow the rules blindly, a habit that inhibits entrepreneurship. Instead,teach kids to challenge norms constructively by articulating their rationale.Ask, what do they think needs to change, and why? What do they propose instead?


You need to lead by example. “The ways parentstalk to each other and to children models that behavior,” Vazanna says. Yourbehavior helps kids understand how to question norms diplomatically and when tojust follow the rules.  

阿信,独立学者,私学教师,以研究中国私学教育传统及译介外国传教士传记为治学方向,有一个4岁的女儿,陪伴女儿阅读和成长,在国内开展阿福童经济公民教育。 欢迎来信交流育儿、读书体会。有信必回。[email protected] 公号:阿信微言(ashing1989)
