星期一, 24 2 月, 2025

华慧娟 张书瑾:Chinese Hymns and Worship Practices as Global Mobility

华慧娟 张书瑾:Chinese Hymns and Worship Practices as Global Mobility

Hymns and Constructions of RaceMobility, Agency, De/Coloniality

Edited By Erin Johnson-Williams, Philip BurnettCopyright 2024

ISBN 9781032394534

274 Pages 32 B/W Illustrations

February 7, 2024 by Routledge

Hymns and Constructions of Race: Mobility, Agency, De/Coloniality examines how the hymn, historically and today, has reinforced, negotiated, and resisted constructions of race. It brings together diverse perspectives from musicology, ethnomusicology, theology, anthropology, performance studies, history, and postcolonial scholarship to show how the hymn has perpetuated, generated, and challenged racial identities.

The global range of contributors cover a variety of historical and geographical contexts, with case studies from China and Brazil to Suriname and South Africa. They explore the hymn as a product of imperialism and settler colonialism and as a vehicle for sonic oppression and/or resistance, within and beyond congregational settings. The volume contends that the lived tradition of hymn-singing, with its connections to centuries of global Christian mission, is a particularly apt lens for examining both local and global negotiations of race, power, and identity. It will be relevant for scholars interested in religion, music, race, and postcolonialism.

1 Introduction: Constructing Hymns and Race

Erin Johnson-Williams and Philip Burnett

Part I: Mobility

2 Tonic Sol-fa Abroad: Missionaries, Hymn Singing and Indigenous Communities

Robin Stevens

3 Chinese Hymns and Worship Practices as Global Mobility

Huijuan Hua and Shujin Zhang

4 The Faith and Politics of Emily Kathleen Hooper (1878–1974): Complicating the Analysis of Christian Worship Music and Western Styles of Music in China

Ellan A. Lincoln-Hyde

Part II Agency

5 And Wash the Æthiop White: Whiteness as Salvation and the Reception History of Wesley’s Conversion Hymn

Daniel Johnson

6 Anglican Ritualism and Xhosa Hymnody: The Training and Contribution of Reverend Daniel Malgas

Andrew-John Bethke

7 We Become What We Sing: Hymnody as Control

June Boyce-Tillman

8 Co-Writing our Hymn for Liberation

Liz Gre

Part III Coloniality

9 Performing Race and Place Through Hymn-Singing: A Brazilian Perspective

Marcel Silva Steuernagel

10 Translations and Retranslations: Cherokee Hymnody and the Literary Endeavors of Elias Boudinot

T. Wyatt Reynolds and Abraham Wallace

11 Sounding Coloniality and Voicing Resistance

Becca Whitla

Part IV Decoloniality

12 Decolonising a Hymn through its Mobility: A Case of Re-Location and Altered Musical Aesthetics

Kgomotso Moshugi

13 Hybridizing Heritage: Hymns as Decolonial Practice amongst the Javanese Surinameses

Jun Kai Pow

14 Challenging the Hymn Canon of ‘Christian Otherness’: The Nigerian Christian Songs Project as Means of Musical Decolonization

Monique M. Ingalls, Ayobami A. Ayanyinka, and Mouma Emmanuella Chesirri

Foreword: Singing Down the Dividing Walls

C. Michael Hawn


Erin Johnson-Williams is Lecturer in Music Education and Social Justice in the Department of Music at the University of Southampton, UK.

Philip Burnett is a Leverhulme Early Career Fellow in Music at the University of York, UK.


柏苗 顽石与窄门
柏苗 顽石与窄门
