星期日, 23 2 月, 2025


耶利米哀歌第三章是一首字母,原文每三节按顺序以一个希伯来字母开头,希伯来字母共22个,于是全诗共66节。在其他语言译本中,Ronald Knox的译文(见文末附录1)因着字母文字的优势,至少在形式上精确对应了原文。然而这种形式显然很难在中文译本中完美体现。日前我以形式优先的原则将其硬译出来,使用现代汉语的声母勉强模仿原文的离合体,23个声母只用到了前22个。这自然完全是东施效颦,欢迎弟兄姊妹提出改进的建议。——郭暮云


1 逼我入厄,是神之杖

2 畀付幽暗,是神之竿

3 砭我终日,是神之拳

4 皮开肉绽,筋折骨断

5 疲惫苦楚,心惊胆战

6 毗邻死地,身处昏暗

7 木狗铜链,困不得脱

8 幔帷遮蔽,苦不得说

9 厖石为障,路不得廓

10 伏击如熊,攻我如狮

11 斧砍刀削,驱我荒僻

12 缚我为靶,以我为的

13 袋中之箭,入我肺腑

14 待我狂歌,笑我终日

15 啖我苦荼、饫我茵陈

16 推我入土,牙崩口吃

17 退离平安,忘却福祉

18 颓之如斯,向神何指

19 念我困苦,至高我主

20 念之至此,心中忧苦

21 念及是事,心有所属

22 怜我不绝,因主之仁

23 隆恩信实,每朝新施

24 赉我厚恩,我心望之

25 皈向主者,主必施恩

26 恭默俟恩,固为美事

27 固为美事,幼年负轭

28 枯坐无言,因主之故

29 口伏尘埃,因主或顾

30 拷我辱我,任由人处

31 何以解忧,主弃非恒

32 何以解忧,主恩终成

33 何以解忧,主意非惩

34 践我如囚,非主所愿

35 惎人主前,非主所悦

36 僭乱讼事,是主所恶!

37 岂能成就,若无主命

38 穷通祸福,皆出主口

39 愆尤自受,何怨之有

40 省身内视,转归我主

41 心诚而祷,举手向主

42 行止悖谬,主未赦宥

43 追迫我侪,不加矜恤

44 遮蔽己身,祈祷不达

45 渣滓污秽,我辈至此!

46 仇敌张口,俱各向我

47 魑魅魍魉,皆不得脱

48 除灭众民,我泪成河

49 伤悲我泪,不得止息

50 伤怀我望,自天鉴观

51 伤痛我心,为我诸民

52 如鸟被追,无故得咎

53 扔我入阱,掷石我身

54 濡濯没顶,我将丧亡

55 自阱呼吁,耶和华欤

56 昨曾听我,求今如旧

57 再临我时,谓我勿惧

58 存我性命,申我冤枉

59 测我狱犴,鉴我屈抑

60 摧挫我者,主已究详

61 肆口詈辱,主已听闻

62 谇诼谗谋,主已察知

63 损污戏谑,成彼之业

64 依其所为,求主报之!

65 硬其心肠,咒诅加之!

66 刈除净尽,天下灭之!











濡濯,rú zhuó,古代给死人洗过头的脏水


狱犴,yù àn,牢狱之灾




附1:Ronald Knox的耶利米哀歌第三章英译

1 Ah, what straits have I not known, underthe avenging rod!

2 Asked I for light, into deeper shadow theLord’s guidance led me;

3 Always upon me, none other, fallsendlessly the blow.

4 Broken this frame, under the wrinkledskin, the sunk flesh.

5 Bitterness of despair fills my prospect,walled in on every side;

6 Buried in darkness, and, like the dead,interminably.

7 Closely he fences me in, beyond hope ofrescue; loads me with fetters.

8 Cry out for mercy as I will, prayer ofmine wins no audience;

9 Climb these smooth walls I may not; everyway of escape he has undone.

10 Deep ambushed he lies, as lurking bearor lion from the covert;

11 Drawn aside from my path, I fall alonely prey to his ravening.

12 Dread archer, of me he makes a targetfor all his arrows;

13 Each shaft of his quiver at my vitalstaught to strike home!

14 Evermore for me the taunts of myneighbours, their songs of derision.

15 Entertainment of bitter herbs he givesme, and of wormwood my fill,

16 Files all my teeth with hardgravel-stones, bids me feed on ashes.

17 Far away is my old contentment, happierdays forgotten;

18 Farewell, my hopes of long continuance,my patient trust in the Lord!

19 Guilt and suffering, gall and wormwood,keep all this well in memory.

20 God knows it shall be remembered, andwith sinking of the heart;

21 Gage there can be none other ofremaining confidence.

22 His be the thanks if we are notextinguished; his mercies never weary;

23 Hope comes with each dawn; art thou notfaithful, Lord, to thy promise?

24 Heart whispers, The Lord is my portion;I will trust him yet.

25 In him be thy trust, for him thy heart’slonging, gracious thou shalt find him;

26 If deliverance thou wouldst have fromthe Lord, in silence await it.

27 It is well thou shouldst learn to bearthe yoke, now in thy youth,

28 Just burden, in solitude and silencejustly borne.

29 Joy may yet be thine, for mouth thatkisses the dust,

30 Jeering of the multitude, and cheekbuffeted in scorn, bravely endured.

31 Know for certain, the Lord has notfinally abandoned thee;

32 Kind welcome the outcast shall have,from one so rich in kindness.

33 Kin of Adam he will not crush or castaway wantonly;

34 Let there be oppression of the poorunder duress,

35 Law’s right denied, such as the mostHigh grants to all men,

36 Lying perversion of justice, then hecannot overlook it.

37 Man may foretell; only the Lord bringshis word to pass;

38 Mingled good and evil proceed both fromthe will of the most High;

39 Mortal is none may repine; let each hisown sins remember.

40 Narrowly our path scan we, and to theLord return;

41 Never hand or heart but must pointheavenward this day!

42 Nothing but defiant transgression on ourpart; and shouldst thou relent?

43 Over our heads thy angry vengeancelowered; smiting, thou wouldst not spare.

44 Oh, barrier of cloud, our prayers had nostrength to pierce!

45 Offscouring and refuse of mankind thouhast made us,

46 Put to shame by the mocking grimaces ofour enemies.

47 Prophets we had, but their word wasperil and pitfall, and ruin at the last.

48 Poor Sion, for thy calamity these cheeksare furrowed with tears;

49 Quell if thou wouldst the restless feverof my weeping,

50 Quickly, Lord, look down from heaven andpay heed to us,

51 Quite forspent, eye and soul, with griefJerusalem’s daughters bear.

52 Relentless as hawk in air they pursuedme, enemies unprovoked,

53 Reft me of life itself, sealed with astone my prison door.

54 Round my head the waters closed, and Ihad given myself up for lost,

55 Save for one hope; to thee, Lord, Icried from the pit’s depth,

56 Sure of thy audience; wouldst thou turna deaf ear to sighs of complaint?

57 Summoned, thou didst come to my side,whispering, Do not be afraid.

58 Thine, Lord, to take my part; thine torescue me from death;

59 The malice of my enemies to discover, mywrongs to redress.

60 Thrust away from thy sight, the grudgethey bear me, the ill they purpose,

61 Unheard by thee their taunts, theirwhispered plottings?

62 Uttered aloud or in secret, their maliceassails me from morn till night;

63 Up in arms, or met in secret conclave,ever against me they raise the battle-song.

64 Visit them with the punishment their illdeeds have earned;

65 Veiled be those blind hearts with freshblindness of thy own making;

66 Vanish from the earth their whole brood,ere thy vengeance leaves off pursuing them!


哀 3:1 我是因耶和华忿怒的杖,遭遇困苦的人。

哀 3:2 他引导我,使我行在黑暗中,不行在光明里。

哀 3:3 他真是终日再三反手攻击我。

哀 3:4 他使我的皮肉枯干;他折断(或作“压伤”)我的骨头。

哀 3:5 他筑垒攻击我,用苦楚(原文作“苦胆”)和艰难围困我。

哀 3:6 他使我住在幽暗之处,象死了许久的人一样。

哀 3:7 他用篱笆围住我,使我不能出去;他使我的铜链沉重。

哀 3:8 我哀号求救;他使我的祷告,不得上达。

哀 3:9 他用凿过的石头,挡住我的道;他使我的路弯曲。

哀 3:10 他向我如熊埋伏,如狮子在隐密处。

哀 3:11 他使我转离正路,将我撕碎,使我凄凉。

哀 3:12 他张弓将我当作箭靶子。

哀 3:13 他把箭袋中的箭,射入我的肺腑。

哀 3:14 我成了众民的笑话;他们终日以我为歌曲。

哀 3:15 他用苦楚充满我,使我饱用茵陈。

哀 3:16 他又用沙石碜断我的牙,用灰尘将我蒙蔽。

哀 3:17 你使我远离平安,我忘记好处。

哀 3:18 我就说:“我的力量衰败,我在耶和华那里,毫无指望!”

哀 3:19 [耶和华啊]!求你记念我如茵陈和苦胆的困苦窘迫。

哀 3:20 我心想念这些,就在里面忧闷。

哀 3:21 我想起这事,心里就有指望。

哀 3:22 我们不至消灭,是出于耶和华诸般的慈爱;是因他的怜悯,不至断绝。

哀 3:23 每早晨这都是新的;你的诚实,极其广大!

哀 3:24 我心里说,耶和华是我的分;因此,我要仰望他。

哀 3:25 凡等候耶和华,心里寻求他的,耶和华必施恩给他。

哀 3:26 人仰望耶和华,静默等候他的救恩,这原是好的。

哀 3:27 人在幼年负轭,这原是好的。

哀 3:28 他当独坐无言,因为这是耶和华加在他身上的。

哀 3:29 他当口贴尘埃,或者有指望。

哀 3:30 他当由人打他的腮颊,要满受凌辱。

哀 3:31 因为主必不永远丢弃人。

哀 3:32 主虽使人忧愁,还要照他诸般的慈爱发怜悯。

哀 3:33 因他并不甘心使人受苦,使人忧愁。

哀 3:34 人将世上被囚的踹(原文作“压”)在脚下,

哀 3:35 或在至高者面前屈枉人,

哀 3:36 或在人的讼事上颠倒是非,这都是主看不上的。

哀 3:37 除非主命定,谁能说成就成呢?

哀 3:38 祸福不都出于至高者的口吗?

哀 3:39 活人因自己的罪受罚,为何发怨言呢?

哀 3:40 我们当深深考察自己的行为,再归向耶和华。

哀 3:41 我们当诚心向天上的 神举手祷告。

哀 3:42 我们犯罪背逆,你并不赦免。

哀 3:43 你自被怒气遮蔽,追赶我们;你施行杀戮,并不顾惜。

哀 3:44 你以黑云遮蔽自己,以致祷告不得透入。

哀 3:45 你使我们在万民中成为污秽和渣滓。

哀 3:46 我们的仇敌,都向我们大大张口。

哀 3:47 恐惧和陷坑,残害和毁灭,都临近我们。

哀 3:48 因我众民遭的毁灭,我就眼泪下流如河。

哀 3:49 我的眼多多流泪,总不止息,

哀 3:50 直等耶和华垂顾,从天观看。

哀 3:51 因我本城的众民,我的眼,使我的心伤痛。

哀 3:52 无故与我为仇的追逼我,象追雀鸟一样。

哀 3:53 他们使我的命在牢狱中断绝,并将一块石头抛在我身上。

哀 3:54 众水流过我头,我说:“我[命]断绝了!”

哀 3:55 耶和华啊!我从深牢中求告你的名。

哀 3:56 你曾听见我的声音;我求你解救,你不要掩耳不听。

哀 3:57 我求告你的日子,你临近我,说:“不要惧怕!”

哀 3:58 主啊!你伸明了我的冤,你救赎了我的命。

哀 3:59 耶和华啊!你见了我受的委屈;求你为我伸冤。

哀 3:60 他们仇恨我,谋害我,你都看见了。

哀 3:61 耶和华啊!你听见他们辱骂我的话,知道他们向我所设的计,

哀 3:62 并那些起来攻击我的人,口中所说的话,以及终日向我所设的计谋。

哀 3:63 求你观看,他们坐下起来,都以我为歌曲。

哀 3:64 耶和华啊!你要按着他们手所作的,向他们施行报应。

哀 3:65 你要使他们心里刚硬,使你的咒诅临到他们。

哀 3:66 你要发怒追赶他们,从耶和华的天下除灭他们。






