星期三, 22 1 月, 2025


书 摘





— 美国休斯顿





















在普林斯顿大学里,我遇到世界各国来的有着不同宗教的人,我也很喜欢他们当中的一些人。有很多人非常热切地向我解释为什么基督教很愚蠢很无知,也告诉我科学已经如何如何证明了无神论才是正确的,还有的说我该成为佛教徒,该改信穆斯林,或者追随巴哈伊。但是,在一个时刻——我想应该是在我读了Elaine Pagel的《诺斯底福音书》之后——我对自己说:“我已经尽我所能给了每个人一个公平的机会,基督教比其它的选择强多了。这一点都不好玩。我的意思是,每次我一转身,另一个信奉不可知论的学生就试图说服我去看《诺斯底福音书》,说如果我看了那本书就会知道基督教是谎言。我猜如果还有其它书比Pagel的书更好,他们就不会一直让我去看Pagel的书了。可是,如果这就是他们所能提供的最好的,那就到此为止吧,我不要再继续了。”



我已经快五十岁了,上帝对我非常信实,尽管我没有一直忠心于祂。自从我在新泽西的那个大学校园里决定跟随耶稣做一个基督徒,我从来都没有后悔过。只是,经常后悔没有做到更好。我还没有侍奉他86年,仅仅从我跟随他近30年的岁月,我很能理解St. Polycarp所说的:“我服侍耶稣86年了,他从没有错待我。”

Today's dare involved trusting Jesus. Obviously I have been a Christian a long time, though not nearly as good a Christian sometimes as I wish I were. (I've driven my share of nails into the Cross.) Helen wanted me to keep my share not too long. So I will…try.

I grew up in church, became an agnostic as a teenager, and then went back to being a Christian in my late teens/early twenties. Hooray! I kept it short!

(sigh) Oh well, I guess you guys are stuck with the long version.

I grew up in a very godly family and was baptized when I was I think five years old, by immersion. It was a more exciting baptism than most because the guy who filled the baptistry forgot I was a little kid and filled it deeper than I was tall. So they put a washtub under my feet for me to stand on, but when they dunked me, my feet came up off the washtub and I missed it

when I tried to stand back up, which was a problem since I hadn't yet learned how to swim. Most baptisms don't end with the honoree flailing around trying not to go down for a third time; so at least I provided the congregation with more entertainment than does the average convert.

But like a lot of people who are raised in a household with a clearly defined worldview, as I reached adolescence I started doubting whether my parents' worldview was true. Obviously it SEEMED true to me; but then Islam obviously seemed true to most Arabs my age and Hinduism seemed true to most Tamils my age and Buddhism seemed true to most Nepalis my age and atheism seemed true to most Russians my age. So I became an agnostic, which in my case really did mean that I didn't think I knew whether God existed or not. (Though I kept going to church and acting like a Christian because I didn't think it would do any harm and I didn't see any point in hurting my parents' feelings unnecessarily.)

I did a lot of research throughout my adolescent years, and by the time I graduated from high school I thought Christianity was probably true. The Christian authors I had read had made a very good case, especially with regard to the empirical evidence that Jesus really did rise from the dead, and the anti-Christian authors had by and large been most unimpressive in their attacks.

And on the ground of empirical evidence, Christianity pretty well spanked other religions. Of the available worldviews, then, Christianity seemed to me to make a much better case to the rational mind than any alternatives. Furthermore, when I looked around at all the people I know, there were some who were full of joy and peace and love and character…and in southeast Oklahoma, all of those people were devout and serious and godly Christians.

And yet…the problem was, in Oklahoma EVERYBODY was either a good Christian, or somebody who basically had a Christian worldview but liked sinning too much to be willing to stop sinning and go to church.

I couldn't really shake the feeling that, even though I had tried to do my homework, it could be that Christianity still only seemed reasonable because a southeastern Oklahoma hillbilly boy couldn't really give other worldviews a fair shot. (I think it is literally true that I graduated from high school without ever meeting a Jewish person or a Hindu or a practicing Buddhist of any variety.)

It wasn't until I got to Princeton University that I felt like I really had the opportunity to get to know good people from other cultures and religions, and to study and research religious and philosophical questions by taking courses and by talking to people with other backgrounds and by burying myself in the endless bookshelves of Firestone Library.

At Princeton, I did meet a lot of people from other countries and religions, and I liked many of them very much. And there were a lot of people who were eager to explain to me why Christians were stupid and ignorant and how science had proved that atheism was true, and others who were happy to explain to me why I should be a Buddhist, or a Muslim, or an adherent of Bahá’í.

But at some point — I believe it was after reading Elaine Pagels's execrable book The Gnostic Gospels — I found myself saying, "You know what, I have done my best to give everybody a fair shot; and the Christian case is so much stronger than the alternatives it's not even funny. I mean, every time I turn around another agnostic undergraduate is assuring me that if I just read The Gnostic Gospels I'll understand that Christianity is bogus. And I assume that if there were other books that made a better case than Pagels does, people wouldn't keep pointing me to Pagels — but if THAT's the best agnosticism has to offer, then that's it, I'm done."

My Jewish friend Debbie is a better person than I am, I think. I think the same thing is probably true of my Muslim friends Zharas and Gulmarzhan and Aliya back in Kazakhstan, and though I don't know him personally, I figure the Dalai Lama is probably nicer than I am. I'm not a Christian because Christians are all better people than non-Christians (though the best people I've ever known have overwhelmingly been Christians — Helen, for example, and my parents, among others).

I'm a Christian because I believe, at the end of the day, that Christianity is actually true; that the empirical evidence fits Christianity better than it fits any competing worldviews. I think it is literally, historically true that Jesus of Nazareth really did rise from the dead, and that He deserves my trust and my allegiance. So I have put my faith in Him.

And while I am sure that there are many non-Christians who are nicer people than I am, I can promise you one thing: I know what kind of person I would have become if I had NOT wound up a Christian, and the world is a whole lot better off because nobody has to deal with Agnostic Kenny. Other people can be agnostic and nice at the same time; but I myself am an immeasurably better person as a Christian than I would be as an agnostic– and for me, Christianity and agnosticism are the only two choices. If evidence can be trusted, then Christianity wins on the evidence, above all other religions and above atheism and agnosticism as well. If evidence CAN'T be trusted…well, then you can't know anything, and you can't really believe anything, and that would land me firmly in agnosticism.

I'm almost fifty now. God has been faithful to me, though I have not always been faithful to Him. Since I made up my mind for good there on that university campus in New Jersey, I have never regretted being a Christian, though I have often regretted not being a very good one. I haven't served Him 86 years yet, but I have served Him close to thirty years now, and I know exactly what St. Polycarp was talking about when he said, "Eighty-six years have I served Jesus, and He has done me no wrong."

舒舒Helen 一束光
舒舒Helen 一束光
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