星期四, 6 3 月, 2025




1. Apples

I’mas red as a rose,

andsweet as corn.

I amway too sweet,

you’llnever get worn.


Comeand take my inside,

andput it in dirt.

Giveme water and sun,

incase I get hurt.


I’llsoon grow tall,

so takemy apples.

Eatand plant them,

toget more apples.

2. A Taleof Two Pitcher Plants

  “Come on! Come on! Come in!” rang a shoutthrough the woods. It was Pitch the pitcher plant, although friends called him“Jar”

  He was saying “come on!” to an ant that had justlanded on his sides. “Come in! Come on! Free shelter inside!” Jar kept chanting.“Hey you down there! Quiet! You woke me up from my sleep!”  said Brian, his pitcher plant neighbor.

  “Oops! I talked to loud!” shouted Jar. “Lookhere, Jar! I’ll tell you a story if you keep quiet!” said Brian, so Jar replied“Okay, I will keep quiet.”

  “Here goes,” said Brian with a sigh ofrelief. He was relived because Jar wouldn’t be shouting anymore. He was annoyedwith the shouting.

  “Once upon a time, there was a man, whosename was Jesus. He was the Son of our Creator, The Lord God. One day, he cameto earth! He was born in a manger, and—”

 “why did he come in a manger?” asked Jar.“Well, he came as a humble baby.” Said Brian.

  “But why?” asked Jar.


“becauseJesus was a man, and wanted to show he wasn’t 50% man, and 50% God. Dad (thetree we are on) said that Jesus came as 100% man, and 100% God, just like iceis water, but it is still frozen, but it is still is exactly the same amount!”

  “Oh,” said Jar. “Carry on.”

  “Okay, so when Jesus grew up, he performedlots of miracles. I even heard of raising the dead, and water into wine! Afterthat, he died on a cross. he died, but on—”

  “What?! He died!?” exclaimed Jar.

“Yes,he—no, he didn’t…well, I’ll tell you.”

  “So on the third day, he revived, and—” saidBrian.

“Anddied again?” asked Jar.

“If youkeep quiet, you’ll know the answers. So anyways, he revived and he kept alive.Then a number of people came to see him, and some even thought he was a ghost.But after that, he had a breakfast with his followers, and he climbed up amountain, and rose up, up, and all the way up to heaven! So he is alive!”

  “what a spectacular story! Wonderful!” Ithink that God loves us so, that he sent his son!” Said Jar.

  “well, in the bible, it also says that God soloved the world, that he sent his one and only son, and whoever believes in himshall have eternal life, but those who do not shall die.”

  “Well, thank you, I will go back to—yum!” hesaid ‘yum’ because a bug had fallen in, and he liked to eat bugs.

  And so, Brian and Jar became best friendsforever and they lived happily ever after (not quite, they had quarrels, and sometimes even fights, but they always made it up.)


Once upon a time therewere…COLORS!

There was Red, Yellow, and Blue. One day,they were feeling bored, and someone suddenly said “LET THERE BE LIGHT!”KABOOM! They closed their eyes, and…there was light!

  Whenthey opened their eyes, there were creatures, and a great ball in the skycalled “Sun” and some grey leaves and stems.

  Then yellowsaid to blue, “Let’s hunch close together!” Blue agreed to this, and blue andyellow became green!  Green was confused.“where am I?”

  Andthe colors and animals replied, “In the Garden of Eden!” Green asked again, “Whyare those plants grey? Let me jump into those plants!”

  Whenhe jumped into the plants, a most extraordinary thing happened. All the plantsturned green! But that didn’t look too nice because it was all green, no brown,no pink, no other colors. So yellow, blue, and red had an idea.

  Afterthey agreed to it, they all hunched together. Suddenly, there was a new color: Brown!Brown asked the same question as green: “where am I?” and they replied “in thegarden of Eden!”

  Brownasked again “why are those plants only green? Let me jump into the trunks of those trees!”

  Thenhe did, and instantly, miraculously, all the trunks turned brown.

  But theywere still not satisfied.

  Redsaid, “Blue, come close to me. Let’s make more colors!” so blue did. And then,magically, came Purple and Pink!” so Purple said to Pink, “Let’s go jump inthose flowers! Green, brown, yellow? Wanna join?”

  “OK!OK! Let’s go now! Hurray!!!”

  Then the flowers had colors! So they went on, coloring animals, more plants, and atwo-armed, two-legged, single-headed creature, which they agreed to call “man”

  So that is how colors came into the world! (not really, just being creative. It IS God created and colored the world, I know. Just keep that in mind :).

4. Beaverfacts

·     beavers are rodents, just like mice and rats

·  beavers only live in lakes that have wooded banks, streams thathave wooded banks, and rivers that have wooded banks, because they make damsout of wood

·     beaver homes called lodges

·     beavers are the 2nd  largest rodent

·     beavers are nocturnal (meaning they work more at night

·     beaver’s teeth never stop growing. They rely on crunchingwood to keep them from growing too long.

·     beavers have great sense of hearing, smell, and touch. Theyhave poor eyesight, but they do have transparent eyelids to help open eyesunderwater.

·     Beavers can stay underwater for 15 minutes straight and aregood swimmers

·     They can live up to 25 years

·     They are very intelligent and smart.

5. A day with Peter Rabbit

      I was lost.

      I was in the middle of the forest, and Icould see a farm, but that was all I could make out.

      I walked closer, and I was so intimidatedby the Farm’s beauty, I didn’t see a hole next to a tree.

      Just as I was taking large strides towardsthe farm, I heard a thump. Then, before I knew it, I was sliding down ahole, about a foot high and a foot wide.

      And then suddenly, the slide ended. I wasunder the tree, and I was sure I was going to faint.

      And I did.

      When I found myself conscious, there werefive rabbits around me. They seemed real understanding and all knowing, andthey all wore jackets and they were standing up. I fainted. Again.

      I woke up. They were still staring at me,each holding a bucket. I was about to run out of the hole, but the rabbit withthe blue coat said, “Hello and welcome to The Rabbit Hole!” then he looked atmy reaction. I didn’t react.

      “The Rabbit Hole!” doing a little pose, asif he expected me to photo him. he looked at me again, for reactions.

      “Well, I knew it wouldn’t work. Anyway,I’m Peter Rabbit. And this is Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton-tail, and Benjamin.” Hepointed as he talked.

      Then I said, in reply, “Hello, Peter,Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton-Tail, and Ben—Whoa!”

      Something hit me in the head. It was red.Then came a shower of it. There was some kind of yellow thing within it.

      I looked carefully at it. My heart skippeda beat. It looked like a candle. It was…


      Soon, we evacuated.

      We found Thomas McGregor giving Beawildflowers. It was confusion.

      Oh, and by the way Thomas McGregor is therabbits’ new neighbor. He hates rabbits. The rabbits hate him.

      And Bea is the other neighbor. She lovesRabbits. But Thomas pretends he likes rabbits—in front of her!

      So anyway, we hid in the forest. The next day, they decided to sneak into McGregor’s garden.

      I tried to warn them, but they said theyhad been training to shoot, run, lift weights, and fart. Wait. Leave off thefarting part.

      They went in.

      As soon as they did, Thomas came along.But that was no big deal. Bea suddenly came out the door, as I watched themagnificent battle between McGregor and the Rabbits.

      Thomas had to try to stay calm as Beatalked to him, and once Bea went inside, the chaos started.

      The rabbits had shot a blackberry intoMcGregor’s mouth. At first I didn’t know why they shot blackberries, but now Iknew.

      He was allergic to blackberries!

      Just as he looked like he was about todie, he suddenly woke up and ran towards the burrow.

      He got a whole bunch of explosives, and hethrew one at the rabbits. They were fine, though.

      Then the battle started.

      But, I really had a looooooooooot of“dirty water” in my bladder.

      So I went to the forest, and released thestuff. But I kept feeling my pants were wet.

      There’s no time, I told myself.I’ve got to go and help the rabbits.

      But before I got there, I saw an explosiveright at my feet! Before I knew it, I was blasted into the sky.

      I woke up.

      Whew! That was just a dream. My heart wasracing, and I found…

I had peed on the bed!

6. A Letter to YOU

Dear ~~s,

 Tomorrow is Chistmas! Please help me remember that Chistmas is not onlyabout those stuff, but about your birth on earth. Thank you for comingto Bethlehem as a baby, and dying on the cross. Please let me know WHY you hadto come as a BABY, and not a king.

  Thankyou for dying on the cross, too.  I wouldlike to see how you were in the manger, and probably what you did growing upas…maybe a carpenter? And, haha, I would like to know what your mother did whenyou said something like, I can raise up the dead when you were a child it wouldbe so funny (at least I think it would be funny).

  Oh,and one more thing. Please help me know you more. I really would love to knowyou more.


                                                                                                             From Caleb

Dec24, 2020

7. Mytrip to the moon

   Once upon a time,there was a boy named Caleb. His dream was togo to the moon. One day, a workerfrom a space station went to his houseand said to Caleb, “Hello! I have beensent here by the moon. The moon said, ‘let Caleb come to the moon!’ so I said ‘Okay,I’ll go ask him.’ to the moon. Now follow me to the rocket!”

  So Caleb, his heart beating fast, followedthe space worker to the rocket he was going to go in. “five,” His heart startedbeating faster, “four, three, two, one.”

BOOM!And the rocket blasted off.

  On the way to the moon, Caleb put on hisspacesuit. Then he did something: he prayed.

  He said: “Dear God, thank you for granting myrequest to go to the moon. When I looked out of the window, God, I saw thestars and the moon which you have made. Thank you for loving everyone, inJesus’ name I pray, Amen.

  When he finished his prayer, he saw that hewas nearly at the moon already.

  “landing on the moon in five! Four! three!two! One! Zero!” came the speaker as they landed.

  After they landed, Caleb went out. He lookedaround. It was so barren, so desert-like. And so, he started to explore.

  He found that when he jumped up and waved hisarms it felt like flying.

  He also saw an American flag.

  And he saw…a moon buggy? And so, he went intoit. ‘but I don’t have license!”  thenhe thought, ‘but, there are no police, no people, and no other obstacleshere!’

  He pressed “on” and shot off. Suddenly, therewas a crash in front of him.

  It was a meteorite! (a meteorite is a biglump of rock floating in space.) Caleb was shocked, but thankfully he was safe.

  Then, he kept on exploring, until it was timeto go home. He made a short prayer: “God, thank you for my trip to the moon.Please let me go on the moon again. Thank you.”

  And he hopped into his spaceship, and blastedoff back to earth, his home.

  When he got home, the space worker whobrought him to the moon said: “well! Would you like to go to the moon again?

  Caleb smiled, “Of course!”

8. The Snail And The Unicorn

Once upon a time, there was once a very bigsnail who lived alone in the woods, and a unicorn who wasn’t very nice.

The snail’s name was Bob and the unicorn’sname was Lucy.

One day Bob was reading [diary of a wimpysnail], one of his favorite books, when suddenly a unicorn (the not very niceone that I mentioned at the beginning of this story) appeared at his house.

She was very pretty, so Bob stopped reading[diary of a wimpy snail]and put it down to welcome the unicorn. Unfortunate forhim, Lucy headbutted him!

Bob was not happy with that. He just hopedto hide away in his shell, but he just couldn’t do it, because he was 67 yearsalready! So old, right?

He couldn’t hide away in his shell, so hewent out for a shell hunt. Since he was a snail, he could not go too fast.

He spent an our looking for a shell bigenough for him.

When he got home, he found out that Lucyhad been following! So he was so upset he went outside to take a walk.

While he was walking, he had been beingmocked by Lucy the whole time.” why are you so slow?” isn’t your shell heavy?”

Suddenly, it was pouring rain and Lucy, asa unicorn, was soaking wet. Bob said “come inside my very big shell. I havesome extra space for you.”

After the rain, Bob and Lucy went to pick wildflowers,since the rain made the flowers prettier.

Bob said to Lucy” love people as much asyou love yourself.” And they were friends from that moment and on.

  MORAL: Love others as you love yourself.

     Try to do it!!!can you? do it! come on!

          THE END.

Challenge: Do the moral of the


9. Two of My Dreams

The nightmare

  In this dream I was standing on a platform.And suddenly the apartment I live in appeared. In my dream I lived beside asnowy mountain. Suddenly, a person grabbed binoculars and said “what? It’s snowing on the mountain. It never snows in summer, or in Indonesia!” (there wassome spooky, chilling, noise, and, besides, it was night.)

  So I went to my room to sleep. Suddenlyscreams of pain pierced the air. And then, I went to the CCTV room. And I sawthat there were people in masks, and had long, curved swords. They were killingeverywhere. So, I, although afraid, went back in the elevator. Suddenly, out ofnowhere, a person appeared. He was one of the people-in-masks. So, I hit him,and kicked him, and arrived at our floor. There was blood on the floor. Andwhen I went back to sleep, the ground shook. Then it rumbled, until the wholeplace shook. And with the last CCCRRRRAAACK, the tower fell down. Just as ittouched the ground, I woke up. And I was so scared, I went to my mom, and hidin my covers.


The good dream

Soin my dream this time, I was playing tag. Suddenly, they tagged me. I ran tocatch one of them, then suddenly I felt, just felt in some way that I couldfly. So I flapped my arms, to my surprise, I did fly! And I just was flyingwhen they said “Caleb! Come back! We know you’re just hiding!” so I lookeddown, and didn’t see my body. Then I realized I was invisible. So I stoppedflapping my wings, and (not really) fell down, but somehow it didn’t hurt.Then, someone tagged me, and I woke up.

10. The Tiger

A roar splits the forest,

Followed by a shriek.

It’s the big-ol’ tiger,

Catchin’ food for dinner.


With bright orange bodies,

And dark, sleek stripes.

The tiger’s gonna pounce,

It’s more than an ounce!


Teeth sharp as a sword,

He’s the jungle’s lord.

He’s hungry and fierce,

But he’s actually quite cute.

11. The Circling Eagle

There was once a snail. He had everything heneeded; he had a beautiful, big shell, with all sorts of comforts inside, hehad a nice, big lettuce patch, where he ate food, and he also had a huge leaf,like an emergency shelter.

But his wish could not be fulfilled. He had wantedto fly, more than anything else. He had watched eagles, sparrows, butterflies,flies, and all sorts of things that fly, and had even tried to change his shellinto a wingsuit, which turned out rather painful and unsuccessful.

One day, when the eagle was flying quite low,the snail asked the eagle, “Hello, Mr. Eagle – Sir. Would you mind to—er—let mefly on your back? I will give you your lettuce patch, my emergency shelter, andall my things.”

“Okay,” the Eagle croaked, “Come on my back. Iwill take you into the air—whoa, whoa, steady there, don’t fall off…”

So the snail climbed onto the eagle’s back,and then they rose into the air.

      But then, the Snail looked down and feltdizzy. He asked the eagle, “urgh…can you get down…I’m dizzy…”

      “Okay, dude.”


      Then the eagle said, “Snail, you haveeverything you need. Do not want just what you don’t have, be content withwhat you have.

      So, the snail never dreamed of flying,ever again in his whole happy, content life.

12. The REAL Story of Cinderella

As told by Cinderella’s evilstepsisters

      So let me get thisstraight. The “Cinderella” you KNEW was completely false; I’m going totell you the REAL story, MY side, my FAMILY’S side.

      Okay, here we go.

      Once upon a time, Therewas a big, fancy mansion. Guess who lived inside? That’s right. Me and myfamily lived inside. But one day, we just were wandering around, and then mymother wanted to go to the mines. But my father wanted to live in the mansion andnot get out. They argued for days, but finally they decided to divorce. Yes,it’s sad.

      Next, we went and foundthis CRAZY girl named Cinderella. She was soooooo ugly; but herfather was gorgeous! He was also so handsome!

      So, my mother marriedhim.

      We were so happy! Wewere especially happy ‘cause Cinderella was so easy to pick on.

      Just insult her, or dosomething offensive, she marches up to her room, say “LOSERS!” and slamsthe door close. It is just so satisfying and fun to see her like that.

      So one day there was aball, and we went, ready to dance with the prince. But here’s a surprise: whenwe went, there was a beautiful young lady, with glass slippers, a silk gown,and very neatly tied hair, and a beautiful face.


      So that girl starteddancing with the prince! But just as the clock struck twelve, that girl’s glassslippers, silk gown,  neatly tied hair,and a beautiful face all disappeared, and turned into who? Can you guess?

 It was Cinderella!

  NO! luckily, she was so ugly, she looked like a toad. They threw herout, and I mean throw out. She was expelled! I was so happy!

      So the prince startedto dance with me and my sister, then he decided we were great, and MARRIED us(well, not us, but me) but my sister was also treated like a queen, sowas my mother. As for Cinderella, she was never seen again.

Cinderella’s glass slipper

13. The Computer

  One day,there was a commotion in the ICT room in the school.

  Here is howit sounded like:

“I am the most important! I send messages!” shoutswhatsapp.

“No, we are!” Says Minecraft, Roblox, Among us,Paper.io, and the Xbox game system. “The user likes to play us most!”

“Of course you are! I can code you out!” arguedscratch, python, c++, and javascript.

“well, without me, you won’t be downloaded!” thelauncher said.

“Actually, I could open all of them! I can openscratch! Python! c++! javascript! Whatsapp! Minecraft! Roblox! Among us!Paper.io! Xbo—“said Google.

“well, still, I downloaded you!” Said Microsoftstore.

“I am the—” started the computer.

  “QUIET!”said a man. “you all have your own use! I could break the internet!”

  So theysaid, “Okay. We all have our own use, and all are useful. Okay.”




