星期一, 24 2 月, 2025



Hitherto, every step taken in connection with this mission has been marked with signal blessing. Fresh in the memories of all who were present at the London Conference of 1884, must be the special unction resting upon all, when the Rev. J.Hudson Taylor and Mr.B.Broomhall represented the needs and claims of China, and when the Conference decided to send two brethren to the Celestial Empire at the earliest convenience.(这段主要讲述的是戴德生1884年在会议上呼吁他们参与中国事工,并得到热烈的讨论和肯定的回复。万斯通作为此次会议的参与者,他受感而决定奉献自己,前往中国。)

At the late Conference held at Bideford past impressions had so fully developed as to be easily carried into practical effect.On Monday, July 27th,1885,Br.S.T.Thorne and I were invited to meet the Missionary Committee. After the question of our going to China had been discussed,it was heartily and unanimously resolved to recommend the Conference to send Br.Thorne and myself to China ; whereupon our long-tried and dearly beloved brother, Mr.W.Denness, was moved to promise £10 per year for five years towards the Mission. Br.J.Dymond then offered prayer, when a special cloud of blessing rested upon us, giving, I think, all present to feel that the step taken had the Divine sanction.(这段主要讲述万斯通他们的Church经过不同会议商议之后,已经决定了派遣索恩和他两个人作为先锋前往中国,并且得到了教内的积极鼓励,有人为之持续奉献五年的资金帮助他们。)

写作日期,September 8th,1885

载于The Bible Christian Magazine,1885,477-478.

柏苗 顽石与窄门
柏苗 顽石与窄门
