星期日, 23 2 月, 2025

海恩波(Marshall Broomhall)英文著作目录




1.Marshal Feng:A good soldier of Christ Jesus Fourth edition.The China Inland Mission.1924,Pages 66.另有85页版。

2.Heirs together of the grace of life.Morgan & Scott, China Inland Mission.1918,Pages 146.

3.Robert Morrison.Student Christian Movement.1927,Pages 238.

4.Islam in China.Morgan & Scott, China Inland Mission.1910,Pages 332.

5.The Chinese empire.Morgan & Scott, China Inland Mission.1907,Pages 472.

6.W.W.Cassels:first bishop in Western China.The China Inland Mission.1926,Pages 378.

7.Islam in China:A Neglected Problem.China Inland Mission.1910,Pages 421.

8.The jubilee story of the China Inland Mission.Morgan & Scott, China Inland Mission.1915,Pages 386.

9.Martyred missionaries of the China Inland Mission.Fleming H. Revell.1986,Pages 328.

10.Martyred missionaries of the China Inland Mission.China Inland Mission.1901,Pages 216.

11.Pioneer work in Hunan.Morgan & Scott.1906,Pages 113.

12.Last letters & further records of martyred missionaries of the China inland mission.Morgan & Scott.1901,Pages 105.

13.In quest of God.China Inland Mission.1921,Pages 190.

14.Present-day conditions in China.Fleming H. Revell company, China Inland Mission.1908,Pages 58.

15.Faith and facts:as illustrated in the history of the China Inland Mission.China Inland Mission.1909,Pages 78.

16.John W. Stevenson, one of Christ’s stalwarts.Morgan & Scott [for] China Inland Mission.1919,Pages 95.

17.Faith and facts:as illustrated in the history of the China Inland Mission.Morgan & Scott.1913,Pages 78.

18.In the Far East: Letters from Geraldine Guinness in China.Morgan & Scott.1901,Pages 211.

19.Present-day Conditions in China.China Inland Mission.1908.

20.Some a Hundredfold:The life and work of James R.Adam Among the tribes of South-West China.China Inland Mission.1915,Pages 32.

21.The Bible in China.The China Mission Mission,1934.Pages 190.


海恩波(Marshall Broomhall)英文著作目录

海恩波(Marshall Broomhall)英文著作目录

海恩波(Marshall Broomhall)英文著作目录

海恩波(Marshall Broomhall)英文著作目录

海恩波(Marshall Broomhall)英文著作目录

海恩波(Marshall Broomhall)英文著作目录

海恩波(Marshall Broomhall)英文著作目录

海恩波(Marshall Broomhall)英文著作目录

海恩波(Marshall Broomhall)英文著作目录

海恩波(Marshall Broomhall)英文著作目录

海恩波(Marshall Broomhall)英文著作目录

海恩波(Marshall Broomhall)英文著作目录

海恩波(Marshall Broomhall)英文著作目录

柏苗 顽石与窄门
柏苗 顽石与窄门
